Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Back To It

I'm back and ready to blog!

I've had a full on year with heaps of work, overseas trips to Cambodia and Italy, trips to Melbourne and Sydney and school activities to keep me busy. During this time though I did take photos regularly of what I was wearing along with many of textile projects I had been working on. I plan to blog for the summer holidays but there is a bit of a twist.

I'll be in Europe for 5 weeks with my family.

I leave on Saturday, and am all ready and packed with our first stop being Rome, Italy. I am completely excited as we have scheduled in visits to a lot of textile and costume museums and the last time I was Italy I saw some of the most stunning fabric and clothes shops. Plus I have never had a white Christmas let alone been in weather this cold before so get ready for thermals, layers and my large mint green down coat.

So, if I can access wi-fi I will be posting along the way.

Last day of high school -
Top Shop pinafore, op-shopped cardigan
& Princess and the Frog backpack.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My little Formal

A week ago today, I got to celebrate the end of my high school years with my year 10 formal. It was a beautiful night full of stunning dresses, it was  a night I was looking forward to for a long time. I mean I was one of those people who planned months in advance, and was super excited to dress up and have everything looking Perfect.

I went for a 50's/Disney princess/quirky look on the night. My dress was a dream, a Bettie Page dress named Aurora (also known as Sleeping Beauty's real name) and when I spun the dress actually shimmered from pink to blue just like in Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

I designed the shoes myself on Shoes of Prey. There was a really specific look I wanted for the shoes and because I kind of have big feet, I needed the size to be perfect. I also really love the style of this shoe - you can find my design here.

Up to accessories, I had the Swarovski Bella Mini Light Rose Pierced Earrings which you can find here. The transparent - silver fleck clutch was from Gregory Ladner, the pale pink pearls were from markets in Darwin and the sunglasses I borrowed from my sister to keep the sun out of my eyes for photos.

Jo.Hall Hair did an amazing job on my hair considering how much I have. I loved the style of it and people were complimenting me all night on the style, it was quite heavy though and at times I felt my head toppling over for no reason.  The night I took my hair there was the biggest relief of the weight that was taken of the back of my head. Also there seemed to be hundreds of bobby pins in my hair when I took it out. I loved my hair though and wished that I could have kept it in for a while longer, I miss having this style so much.

Last but not least my makeup was done by the brilliant Benefit who perfected my retro princess look. Considering the fact I rarely wear make-up and don't really like the idea of wearing it to often I really appreciated how the make-up was done to look natural and it look amazing in the photos.

My night was great though I turned up in a 1950 Custom Mercury and was last to arrive due to the fact my car broke down just before getting there. I felt amazing though as a retro disney princess and I can't wait to get back into Blogging weekly fashion blogs next year.  


Monday, June 10, 2013

Fashion Parade alert: Help from the Underground

'Help from the Underground' is a new tradition introduced in 2012 by Clint Hutchinson to help raise money for the homeless in Canberra. 
And, in all its glory, the event is a Fashion Show that last year took place in a basement car park.
The show features styled clothing from the Vinnie's Warehouse (op-shops).
The show is free to attend, and accepts donations at the door, it was a huge success last year with more than 500 people attending and raising a massive $18,000. 

This year the event returns on Wednesday 12th June, still as a free show.

This year they hope to raise double of last years raising's. I unfortunately can not make it to the show due to school events, however I will still do a blog post after the show.

I think this is a wonderful idea to raise money and some of my favourite clothing items have been bought from Vinnie's and alike shops. I can't wait to see footage from the show, and has a wonderful post showing designers from Fashfest rummaging through the warehouse finding those special finds that will make up their looks for the parade. 
I am pretty disappointed that I can't make it but I can't hide my excitement for the possibility to go to next years show if the tradition continues.

If you would like to donate to the event or RSVP tickets you can visit the home website here.  

A model from last year's show

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Talking to Corr Blimey

I should have blogged this a while ago but I have been stuck working on a textiles project.

Early last week I met the Amazing Corr Blimey.
It was a great experience to meet them.  We talked forever about the fashion industry itself; how it worked, designing and starting your own line.

The two designers, Louisa and Steven, said they met in design school and found they had the same design aesthetic and one of the things they started doing together was pulling things out of op shops and pulling them apart and sewing new things on to create a new garment.

We also talked about different fashion era’s and Steven said that there was an element to each era that was beautiful.
I would like to thank them for meeting me, I learned a lot about the fashion industry and it was great to talk to people who work in it.

I would also like to thank them for the most gorgeous bag which you can see me holding in the picture below, it was a sample piece based off their collection they made for Fashfest.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What I wore: Librarian Chic

So I went to Fashion 'n' Treasure a couple of weekends ago and found come curious items such as clown shoes and 80's formal dresses. The kilt I'm wearing was one of the first things I saw when I came in then spent most of the time while browsing other stalls hoping nobody had bought it.

It and the bolero are from Librarian Chic who I have seen in other markets and she has always had an amazing selection of clothing. I didn't originally see the 50's bolero but while trying the kilt on, Mel, the owner  told me I just had to try the jacket. It really was a great find and I can't wait to wear these pieces on other occasions.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fashfest Carpet

Recalling on the amazing night of Fashfest I was interviewed by Wendy Johnson and featured in 'Her Canberra'. I got to meet Bella, a young fashionista, and Andrea Hutchinson one of the organisers for the event.

I would like to thank Wendy for doing this and the article was an amazing read.

I can't wait to meet Louisa and Steven from Corr Blimey next week.

What I wore:
Vintage blouse
Zara tartan pants
Doc Martens

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We need to talk about the 20’s.

With film TheGreat Gatsby soon to hit cinemas the style of the 1920’s has caught everybody’s eye.  Also known as the roaring 20’s or the jazz age the main style came from young women after the war stepping out of what society expected of them. This woman drank, smoked, danced and cut her hair short.

Their clothing style was a youthful elegance, loose clothing that fell around their body allowing them to dance.  It all had an art deco element is shapes and glamour, extravagance meant a lot from diamond hair accessories to jewels and fabric details draping of their clothes.

The movie has caught up on so much hype for the 20’s that Tiffany & Co. are even selling the range they made for ‘The Great Gatsby’ which includes some pieces used in the movie such as daisy’s diamond headpiece and other pieces that just scream roaring 20’s. My personal favourite is the pearl tassel necklace.

The designs in the movie itself are exceptional dripping with a style really setting the age of this movie. With the amazing work of Catherine Martin and designers such as Miucia Prada contributing to costume.  

 Overall it was a youthful, glamours age of fashion stepping out of social means and experimenting with the movement and design of fabric that sets this decade apart.  

I can't wait to see the movie.

The Great Gatsby & Tiffany & Co. collaboration

Monday, May 6, 2013

FashFest 2013

Canberra has style

Attending the Canberra Fashfest on Saturday night was an amazing experience as my first fashion show. The atmosphere was over flowing with well-dressed people, booming sound and an interesting location in cold weather. I had front row seats with my little goodie bag waiting for me. 

It was wonderful, I completely forgot about the cold weather the minute those collections went down the runway. All the designers had great taste and the models worked the clothing and styling, which was quite out there.

Some of my favourite designs were those from Corr Blimey, who I thought had a fascinating take on heavy coast and making them look light and fresh and I loved their pants.  I also loved Scarlette colour blocking ideas, my favourite design was their two toned shorts and in the Aperiodic show I really liked the architectural details that were incorporated into her designs. The other designers on display were Ule, M&TM, Materialbyproduct, Shekudo and Mont.

Altogether the night and the festival was inspiring and a great set-up for Canberra designers, I can’t wait to go again next year and see what they have lined up.   

Thanks to the Fashfest media team for sending me through the photos for my blog.

Corr Blimey
Corr Blimey


Corr Blimey
Corr Blimey

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Canberra does Fashion

Fashfest 2013

I know I haven't posted for ages (slightly shameful), but wanted to updated as Canberra is having its very first Fashion Week - Fashfest and I get to go tonight!

I would have loved to have seen the Rockstars and Royalty show, but it was part of the opening night. I did see designer Vicky today and she said that she will have one outfit in the finale.

Now to go and decide what to wear.

Be back tomorrow to post an update. 

Anneliese Seubert wearing Rockstars and Royalty
Rockstars and Royalty