Sunday, February 23, 2014

FashFest Model Calls

Filming over 160 models, that was my day.

With a new year come a new FashFest and this year I have decided to volunteer for behind the scenes.

I hope the casting call stands up to America Next Top Model behind the scenes fuss on the catwalk. Being completely serious though I am so thankful to be doing this and I'm really excited about seeing the parade from a different perspective.

It was also great today to see Steven and Louisa from Corr Blimey and the lovely Darling Sisters who specialise in retro designs.     

P.S. If you see any shaky camera pans, that was probably my fault.

Photo from Fashfest on Instagram
A huge thanks to the amazing @fashfest #team The biggest #modelcasting event in #canberra Love this city #CBR #canberramodels #canberrafashionshow #canberrafashiondesigners visit by @fashfest